Zimbabwe. This beautiful landlocked country lying within Southern Africa is a complete diamond. With its stunning and dramatic landscape and phenomenally diverse wildlife. Chikwenya Lodge lies within the eastern boundary of the Mana Pools National Park. This unique and extremely luxurious lodge is a photographer’s paradise. The views from the camp overlook an open floodplain on towards to the ebbing and flowing Zambezi River, a mountainous backdrop of the Rift Valley finishes this beautiful scene.

Chikwenya is snuggled within a dense forest of Albida and Natal Mahogany trees, providing needed shade from the heat of the African sun. The Albidas shed their protein-rich pods during September through to November/December which act like ‘biscuits’ to the herds of elephant that pass through the camp.

Chickwenya is an elegantly styled six tented camp with one family unit and will be opening its doors from April 2019. All of the six tents are placed on low wooden decks with wonderful pine walkways linking them together and on through to the main area. The dining room, lounge and bar are places of relaxation, there is also a pool to cool yourself off after your day seeking wildlife. There are many different areas within the camp where you can truly escape and relax or chat away and swap stories of what you have seen on your safari.

Activities abound when you stay at Chickwenya, from game drives where you may come across herds of elephants, prides of lion, troops of baboon or a cackle or clan of Hyena! Take a walk in the woods, wildlife safari by boat and watch the sun disappear below the Rift Valley escarpment. Or how about all of the above!

We always suggest, if you can, that you stay at any of the safari camps we suggest for a minimum of three nights, this is the perfect amount of time to really enjoy the areas, the camp as a whole and get to know the wildlife as well! Zimbabwe is excellent to combine with the beach as well. Head on towards Mozambique, this old Portuguese colony that lies next door to Zimbabwe. Combine the earthy safari colours with the bright blues and white sandy beaches of Mozambique. Get in touch with The Luxury Safari Company for more information on where to go to in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, we have no doubt that you will catch the African bug and want to return for more!