Bordering Rwanda, Uganda, Mozambique and Kenya to name a few, Tanzania is one of the largest countries within East Africa. Consisting of a total of just over 55 million people and 945,087km squared, the country as a whole will fit England into it seven times. It really is vast. From April to mid-May Tanzania goes through its green season with June through to September being their cool season. Lake Manyara has had continued unseasonal rain this year. Lake Manyara is located in Northern Tanzania and as a result of these continues rains, the opening of the new airstrip was pushed to the beginning of July. This new airstrip will hopefully reduce the transfer time to the lodge to a short scenic 20-minute drive. This is a great opportunity to combine the transfer with an Africa Foundation community visit that is at no extra cost.

The ideal arrival and departure guideline would be as follows: On arrival, the guests will be collected from the airstrip and if they don’t wish to combine the transfer back to the lodge with an Africa Foundation community trip, they will be transferred straight to the lodge to check in and generally relax and get comfortable – after lunch is served, guests are then welcome to head out on an afternoon game drive.

Once guests depart from the lodge, guests are able to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and the transferred back to the airstrip in time to catch their flights on home or to further destinations within Tanzania. Due to the location of the new airstrip being so close to the lake, this new airstrip will be seasonal and during the green season and heavy rains of April to Mid-May and November to December (shorter rains) the new Lake Manyara Airstrip will be closed.