Mara Bushtops is a wonderful camp located in a private concession, and with different accommodation options depending on what you want. The camp itself is intimate and personal and has one of the best spas in the whole of the Masai Mara.

As many of you will know if you have been following the news, Kenya has faced a recent spate of damaging floods, which have extended to the Masai Mara. Being a hilltop Conservancy away from the rivers spared Mara Bushtops the effects, but many camps and individuals were badly affected. It is with great relief that we can report that the waters have now receded and things are returning to normal. Mother Nature really throws her weight around in Africa and with the recent climate changes extremes of weather seem the norm. Southern Africa for instance is suffering from a drought which when you compare this to the floods in Kenya it is more than a little mind blowing.

Blessedly, the local impact in the Masai Mara has not been as bad as feared. As the Talek River broke its banks, the Mara Bushtops sadly saw two giraffe and one topi caught and killed by the floodwaters; however, other areas were far less affected and we believe that most wildlife escaped the deluge. None of the bridges were washed away on the greater Mara side, whilst the one damaged bridge at Talek gate has already been repaired. Only the Mara bridge connecting Keekorok Road to Serena has been washed away, but Mara Bushtops can still use an alternative route (the Mara Rianta bridge).

With water levels now almost back to normal, all areas have reopened. Some roads within the Mara National Park are damaged, but all are passable. Game drives resume, and fairly normal life in this amazing area resumes too – the Africans are an incredibly resilient and resourceful people and at times like this it really shows.

Whether the rains were a one-off or a result of climate change is hard to know. Either way, Mara Bushtops feel very lucky to have escaped intact and our hearts go out to all those less fortunate.

On a much happier note, most schools countrywide in Kenya have reopened – including one very special to Mara Bushtops. They have a long and proud history of supporting Nkoilale school with everything from facilities to water to pupil sponsorships, but one very kind guest has added an extremely generous and special new donation, making possible a lunchtime programme for more than 700 day pupils who might otherwise not be able to eat a proper meal.

This feeding programme has now started and will continue for the foreseeable future. It’s a really heart warming development and everyone at the school is so appreciative. Africa truly encompasses the spirit of community and this was shown in spades during the floods, where camps, local people and rangers came together to support each other and help wherever it was needed.

It is this spirit of community which sucks you in on any safari, and has you wanting to return over and over again.