News from Reteti Elephant Sanctuary

The April rains have finally arrived, hitting the parched landscape whilst the elephants were out on their everyday wilderness walk. Reteti’s motorbike drivers who transport the goat milk from the Milk Mamas to the sanctuary every morning , are facing the challenge of running rivers, head on!

Did you know the elephants can anticipate rain long before it arrives? Elephants have a much more sophisticated approach when it comes to rain, they can sense an approaching storm from up to 150 miles off.

Scientists believe that elephants’ ability to detect rain is rooted in their incredible hearing skills. Elephants can hear sounds at very low frequencies, even those below the human range of hearing. These low-frequency sounds are produced by thunderstorms, whether it’s the rumble of thunder or the sounds of rain hitting the Earth. From their incredible ability to anticipate rain to their complex social structure’s communication skills, Reteti are constantly amazed by them.


Thanks to the incredible support of donors, a recently drilled borehole just 1.5km from the sanctuary to secure a permanent, sustainable water source for the Reteti herd has been successfully completed. Reteti now has the beginnings of reliable and permanent water source for the orphaned elephants, despite the harsh impacts of climate change in Northern Kenya.

The water source will allow Reteti to re-wild the orphans directly from the sanctuary and into Namunyak Conservancy. The water will draw wild elephants in which will allow for the orphans to have daily interactions with their wild counterparts, eventually leading to their gradual integration into the wild with new herds or as an orphan herd. A 2-litre sample of water from the borehole is currently at a laboratory for a full physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis before the water is put to any use.

In other news Reteti Keepers receive lifesaving first aid training. The intrepid team from the non-profit Global Foundation for International Cardiac and Community Services, visited Reteti to provide healthcare and first aid training. During the training session, CPR was taught on both adults and children using a automated external defibrillator to revive someone from sudden cardiac arrest, and even how to use tourniquets effectively to stop bleeding from an extremity.

This training is particularly valuable to the staff at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary as they work in a remote location where medical help may be farther away. The whole team is now better equipped and confident in their ability to handle any emergencies that may arise in the sanctuary. The Global Foundation for International Cardiac and Community Services strives to make a positive impact on communities by providing healthcare, education, mentorship, and scholarships. A variety of medical equipment’s was donated to the team, including an AED, oximeter, portable ultrasound machine, tourniquets, and neck and pelvic braces.