A huge HUGE happy Christmas from Rose & Sophie from The Luxury Safari Company! As with many of the lodges and camps, giving updates and being reflective on the fantastic year that is coming to an end, it is now our turn to do the same and round up on what has been a wonderful year.

When we start the process of booking an exciting trip to Africa, we almost always do a happy dance – mainly internal – but we love the thought of people about to experience, for the first time in most cases, the wonders, sights and fabulous sounds they will come face to face with wherever they go in Africa.

From the moment you touch down on the tarmac whether it be in Johannesburg, Kilimanjaro, Cape Town, Harrare, Lusaka or Nairobi, we can categorically say you are in for a treat. That wonderful feeling you experience when you step off the last step from your long flight, into the warm foreign air dancing across your tired travelled skin, you cannot find a feeling like that anywhere else. The warm sun on your skin, the delicious food that awaits you and, of course, the wildlife encounters and people you will meet along the way always makes us do a happy dance!

We always love to hear what you have been up to when you return on your trip, just so we can re-live the excitement with you. The prides of lion you come across, possibly with little cubs too, the roars from mighty male lions in the dark of the night telling everyone ‘Whose king? Whose King? Me! Me! Me!’ the giggle of the hyena, the chirrup of the zebra, the grunt of thousands of wildebeest crossing the Mara River. The vast array of different birds you hear, most commonly the Cape Turtle dove who in the morning on your game drive will be calling out ‘Work harder, Work harder’ but by the time you reach your afternoon game drive, it will be saying ‘drink larger, drink larger’ well, why not! And sure enough, round the next corner you will stop for a drink and lap up the sun disappearing below the African horizon. This is when you really truly experience true bliss.

We have had reports of wonderful sightings and experiences and have also, personally, experienced some exciting scenes too! Rose, our MD was lucky enough to walk with a pack of wild dog and even witness them in full hunting mode. This all happened at the wonderful Tswalu. Sophie, one of our Safari Consultants was also extremely fortunate to witness not just one, but four Dugong play fighting the warm Mozambiquan waters just off Bazaruto and Benguerra. This was while she was staying at the stunning Santorini.

If any of these tales have tantalised your taste buds to explore the wonders of Africa, then please get in touch to plan your trip for 2019, or even 2020! You know you want to make us do a happy dance! Happy Christmas to every one of our immensely amazing clients and every one of the fabulous lodges and camps we are lucky to work alongside!