It is fair to say that we are inundated with technology. Wherever we go, there are adverts letting you know of the latest television, latest phone, latest gadget that they assure you will make so much difference to your life. Usually, the team at The Luxury Safari Company, encourage people to put these gadgets away (unless it’s a camera!) and totally switch off and enjoy your surroundings and listen to the noises and sounds you would never normally hear, only due to the hubbub of noise we surround ourselves by normally. We still do encourage this, switch everything off and try and take pleasure in your natural surroundings.

Lights, Camera... ACTION!

However, in a very small (and we mean very small) change of heart, we want to encourage you to pick your gadgets up as we want to let you know you can still enjoy going on a safari … but virtually!

The lodges and camps you love to follow or have visited are still very much operating. Although they have temporarily closed their doors to the physical world, many have taken this bizarre occurrence we are experiencing as an opportunity to do some maintenance, some reupholstering, some well needed conservation of the lodges and their surroundings themselves. So, when they do re-open their doors to you wonderful clients, everything will be ship shape and Bristol fashion!

Lights, Camera... ACTION!

All of the camps are still having to support their staff, most of which live within the local area and this is their only means of work. The guides are very much working and keeping on top of their knowledge and often discovering different things daily. Going back to the technology aspect I began this blog on, many of the camps and lodges have come up with the ingenious idea of taking you on a virtual safari. As I said, you may not be able to go physically, but you can still embark on morning game drives, or perhaps evening game drives and sometimes the odd night safari.

Lights, Camera... ACTION!

Follow the likes of Londolozi, Sabi Sabi and especially Singita on Instagram and you can still go on your safari. Not only can you keep up to date with all the goings on in each of the camps but check on the beloved staff who make your stays at these camps perfect.

If you aren’t able to go on your safari this year, this is the perfect way to enjoy viewing the game from your own home – of course this is in preparation for when you do finally go on your safari – but this is a good insight into what to expect and see how the guides work and track the game they are seeking. It is also wonderful to see the joy they experience when they are out in the bush and come across sightings and certain scenes unfolding before their eyes. It isn’t just the large animals they delight in, but the small ones too, and these can be immensely fascinating to boot.

Lights, Camera... ACTION!

These videos are also perfect for anyone looking to further their knowledge on the species you will encounter when on safari, behaviour characteristics of others, and much much more exciting things to witness. At the end of this all, you will be able to enjoy you safari physically, do get in contact if you would like any further information about how to book for 2021.